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Wonder Ponder, Visual Philosophy for Children, is an imprint specialising in products for fun and engaging thinking. This website provides accompanying material to our Wonder Ponder boxes, including guides for children, parents and mediators, ideas for wonderpondering and fun games and activities. It is also a platform for sharing your very own Wonder Ponder content and ideas.

I Wonder: Self-interviews Under Lockdown

David, 14 years old, Madrid (Spain). I Wonder #9: Self-interviews Under Lockdown

Ellen Duthie

[If I had to live like this for a year] I would die from fatal boredom.

David is 14 years old and is in 3rd year of “ESO” (Spanish Obligatory Secondary Education).

He lives in Madrid (Spain) and tells us he has been under lockdown since March 11, with his parents, and ‘coping OK’.

For this self-interview, David asks himself (and answers) a few questions:

Do you know anyone who has died due to complications from the coronavirus?

Yes, a second cousin (RIP) of my grandfather’s.

Is there anything you don’t understand or that you’d like to understand better? What?

Why do people not realise you cannot go out and why does nobody do anything for things to be like we are now, with this clean, pure air, instead of the toxic air we usually have?

What would you like to do on the first day you can go out to the streetfreely?

Meet up with friends.

What kind of lessons might we learn from this situation?

We might learn to be more careful with health matters.

What would you ask an expert in the economy?

Is the economic crisis going to be very severe?

Are you free? Do you feel free?

It depends. No.

In what ways are you less free than two months ago?

I can’t go out, I can’t do anything.

In what ways has your freedom remained intact?

I have to do homework (-_-).

In what ways do you think your situation is similar to being in prison?

I am in confinement and if the police catch you outside, they take you back to confinement.

In what sense do you think your situation is different from being in prison?

We can go shopping.

Do you imagine living like this for an entire year?

I would die from fatal boredom.

What would you do to make your life more enjoyable within the circumstances?

Sleep and eat.

What things make you feel freer within the situation of lockdown?

My phone, my computer and my playstation.

What is a weekday under lockdown like’?

Well, at least I don’t arrive late to class.

What is a weekend day under lockdown like?

Horrible, the few days I could meet up with friends, I have to say here locked in at home.

How do you share out the housework?

Everyone clears up their own stuff.

Do you think it’s a fair distribution of the housework?


I Wonder, Self-interviews Under Lockdown is a project by Wonder Ponder inviting 5 to 18 year olds to ask questions and think about the coronavirus crisis and its consequences through self-interviews in audio, written or ilustrated format.

If you want to send a self-interview for us to include it in the project, please read this entry and follow these instructions.

We look forward to hearing from you!

You can see/read/listen to other self-interviews here.